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FREE Registration for the MLSM Canada National Gathering


This Season of Creation Mouvement Laudato Si' Movement - Canada (MLSM Canada) is responding to Pope Francis’ call to “come together”!  We are inviting all MLSM Canada members and supporters as well as Laudato Si’ Animators and other global Laudato Si’ Movement (LSM) members across Canada to our first online MLSM Canada National Gathering on Wednesday, September 27th from 6:00 – 8:00 pm ET.

We too believe that “much can be done” (Laudato Si’ #180) if we build better bridges and a stronger movement of Catholics and all people of good will across Canada seeking to bring Laudato Si’ to life and working towards a more just and sustainable earth community. We hope you will join us!

At the MLSM Canada National Gathering we aim to provide space to:

  • share on action and advocacy opportunities and invite collaboration;
  • invite building community and finding support regionally and across Canada;
  • facilitate sharing of resources, successes, challenges and strategies.

Both Agnes Richard, MLSM Canada Coordinator, and Anna Johnson, Laudato Si’ Movement's Senior Programs Manager for North America, will provide updates and highlight opportunities for action. We will also facilitate break-out rooms where participants can connect by region or with participants who speak French, to invite community and build collaboration.

Information and Registration:  MLSM Canada National Gathering

Wednesday, September 27, 2023 at 7:00 pm AT; 6:00 pm ET; 3:00 pm PT

Contact: National Gathering coordinator Karen Van Loon [email protected]



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