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A Prayer Offering from Faith & the Common Good at the Conclusion of National Indigenous History Month

Creator, we know you hear all prayers, no matter the language or the belief of those who pray.

Give us the courage to create and protect the right relationships we know you want all peoples to enjoy. 

Help us recognize and work on the sources of discrimination that separate Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples and that threaten your creation.

We confess that we often ignore and even protect systems that privilege some and hurt others.

Open our hearts with love and compassion to walk together on the path of true justice and reconciliation.

Give our faith communities the resolve to act with humility and transparency.

May we ever be mindful that any pain or sorrow that befalls our neighbour will not escape us for we are bound together by an invisible thread.

We give thanks for the leadership, wisdom and resilience of the Indigenous nations, communities and leaders of this land.

Give us the determination to learn from them and to respond to their appeals.

Give us the strength to work together with all faiths and all peoples in Turtle Island to create a just and sustainable Creation. 

We embrace these challenges as opportunities to right relations as we move towards living harmoniously; Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in peace together.


After reading this prayer, we invite you into 94 seconds of silent discernment and meditation on how, individually and as a network, we can continue to be part of giving life to the 94 Calls to Action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

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  • Michelle Singh

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