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Tree-planting and harvesting

Tree Planting and Harvesting Ideas

childrentreesmall1Your congregation can contribute to your local community and the climate by planting native trees at your place of worship or on your personal property, or by participating in local community tree-planting events.

Many regions have local initiatives for tree-planting.Her e are a few programs we have heard about:


The Trees Ontario 50 Million Trees Program subsidizes about 80% of the cost of tree-planting on private land. The funding comes through the Ministry of Natural Resources as the Ontario provincial government honours its commitment to the Kyoto Protocol. There is secure funding for the next five years and the program is intended to plant about 3 million trees per year until 2025. Landowners must have at least 2.5 acres (1 hectare) of plantable open land and commit to look after the trees for 15 years. The minimum cost is 15 cents per tree or $120 per acre, although this price varies with tree species and with the agency doing the actual planting. (For comparison, the cost of tree seedlings alone would be nearly $400 per acre). The delivery agent does the paperwork, buys the seedlings, plants the trees, controls vegetation, does 3 check-ups. Thanks to Eleanor Reed, Registered Professional Forester, Lands & Forests Consulting for this information.

organizersToronto’s LEAF (Local Enhancement & Appreciation of Forests) program offers a subsidized backyard tree-planting service and information on native tree species; they have lists of native trees available and also offer special events relating to tree planting.

The Toronto Parks and Trees Foundation works with local groups to enhance public green space.

ReForest London has a Million Tree Challenge and also offers tree sales as gifts and vouchers.

Tree Ottawa asks you to plant, protect, and promote urban trees.

Many municipalities offer funding for urban tree-planting and canopy protection.

Fruit and Nut Trees

HiddenHarvestlinkOttawa’s Hidden Harvest encourages the planting and harvesting of urban food-bearing trees. On the planting side, those with land are able to purchase trees for planting, and those without land are able to donate trees for planting in schools, community spaces, and housing projects. The group is also locating fruit- and nut-bearing trees and getting permission for volunteer harvesters to collect and process the food, sharing it amongst the land-owners, volunteers, and community food banks. They also teach workshops on harvesting and processing fruit and nuts.

Other communities with similar organizations:


Scroll down to the blue section below for resources created by Faith & the Common Good.

Native Tree Planting in Ajax

Forest Article and photos courtesy of Alex Karney

Forest Brook Community Church held a native species tree planting day at their property in Ajax, Ontario in May of 2013.

Dozens of volunteers, from senior citizens to high school students, gathered with shovels and garden gloves to plant more than 20 trees, 30 shrubs, and many herbaceous plants on grassy patches throughout the church grounds.

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Outdoor Greening Fact Sheets

outdoor_fact_sheets_2017.JPGLet your sacred space be an example for your Care for Creation mission! Learn about sustainable practices for water and energy including xeriscaping, rain gardens, and waterwise strategies in the new Outdoor Greening Fact Sheets.

To support the Faith & the Common Good Outdoor Greening program and the Ottawa Interfaith Sustainable Garden Network program, the following Fact Sheets have been created. Within these resources you will be able to read about the possibilities of turning a section of your faith community property into an ecological haven for wildlife including pollinators such as insects and birds. Get to know more about the benefits of planting native species of grasses, flowers, shrubs, and trees for your new meditation or prayer garden or in your memorial grounds. A special thanks to our funders the Ottawa Community Foundation and the City of Ottawa (CEPGP) for supporting the creation of these local resources!

These Outdoor Greening Fact Sheets & Primer are available both as ONE BOOKLET (choose the link below "Set of 10 Fact Sheets with Primer") or they can be downloaded INDIVIDUALLY if you only want a few specific fact sheets or the Primer.


We recommend you download the BOOKLET (which includes the PRIMER) unless you only want a few fact sheets. Each individual fact sheet must be downloaded separately - so this may take some time. 

Download fact sheets

Download options are:

  • Set of 10 fact sheets (with primer)

  • Individual fact sheets (download each separately):
    • 1. Sustainable Lawns, Groundcovers and Alternatives
    • 2. Landscaping for energy-savings
    • 3. Stormwater Management
    • 4. Water Conservation and Drought-tolerant Landscaping
    • 5. Hedgerows
    • 6. Choosing and planting Native Trees & Shrubs
    • 7. Wildlife-friendly Garden
    • 8. Bird-friendly Garden
    • 9. Urban Meadows
    • 10. Special Purpose Gardens: Healing, Meditation, Medicine Wheel, Labyrinth Gardens

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