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Pollinator Garden Blog- St. Peter and St. Simon the Apostle Anglican Church

By Fran Brown 

This is a wonderful world,
And to my listening ears
All nature sings and round me rings the music of the spheres.
This is a wonderful world,
I rest me in the thought
Of skies and trees and butterflies and bees
With the native flowers in our plot.

Our pollinator garden began to seem like a possibility when some of us spoke to Wendy and JoAnne at Our Lady of Lourdes on World Day of Prayer 2023. They already had a garden and graciously pointed us in the right direction. JoAnne came to our first planning meeting and explained the process and needs that they had experienced. At WDP 2024 Wendy was excited to hear we were moving forward.
SPSS-Pollinator-garden-grid-plan.jpgThe Grid Plan


We contacted Bees for Peace Toronto, at the U of T science program and gained more insight into the Toronto Bee Path and other city gardens. From there we were directed to Donna Lang at Faith and the Common Good. We were so happy that there was room for us in her wonderful garden program for 2024. We were able to join 4 other church pollinator garden groups in receiving the grant which gave us 2 skids each of soil and mulch and $500 for native plants! A bonanza!! Thank you to TD FEF and Scotts Canada for their generous donations and vison in sponsoring this environmental program.

There was lots of learning to do for the interested garden members. We watched the video Garden for Wildlife with Douglas Tallamy and followed the new Beginner’s Guide -How to Create a Pollinator Garden from the North American Native Plant Society. We studied the City of Toronto requirements and were able to watch their webinar sessions this spring.

SPSS-Pollinator-garden-soil-mulch.jpgThe soil and mulch arrived!
SPSS-Pollinator-garden-Alan.jpgVolunteer Alan McDonald adding soil.


In the mean-time Mary crafted our grant request for Donna, and the church wardens were advised of this project. Since the church had undergone recent renovations which left a stony patch this was a perfect opportunity to set up a new garden. Our property committee was able to remove some of renovation debris and we weeded and mulched to solarize the space.

Donna visited our site and provided directions on using the space, where to plant and tweaked our plant choices. The plant selection was done by Fran and Stephanie. Then we had the winter wait with encouraging updates from Donna.

The rest of our story is in the photos as our group worked according to their times and skills. The members are Christopher A, Fran B, Marina C, Daive G, Doug G, Mary M, Alan M, Kathleen, Vaughn M, Jane R, Stephanie W.

SPSS-Pollinator-garden-volunteers.jpgVolunteers Kathleen and Alan, and the church sexton Daiv, planting in.
SPSS-Pollinator-garden-Jane.jpgVolunteer Jane Rajantie watering the garden.


It was exciting to see the plants in the ground! The rain has helped with the watering and the first flower came out in June. During this time the daycare watched with interest and anticipation. How could flowers come from all that dirt! We plan to support their interest in the plant, bee, insect connection with talks and closer contact. Our own Sunday school described it as an amazing place! Thank you to all who made this happen!!

SPSS-Pollinator-garden-bee-balm.jpgBee Balm flowing!
SPSS-Pollinator-garden-Frank.jpgOur fearless leader, Fran Brown!


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