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Places of Faith Case Studies

Toronto Case Study: St.Matthew’s Church sparks community building and neighbourhood development

St.Mathew’s United Church has a building from 1924, with 21,000 square feet located in Toronto’s Wychwood neighbourhood. Shaped by the moral energy and social activism of its Methodist roots, the congregation understands its mission to be a community of faith that serves their surrounding neighbourhood.

"A key to this success, besides the general ethos of the congregation, is its openness to change and development."

Peterborough Case Study: Church of St John the Evangelist Anglican: A ministry for the whole city

The church is a classic “Church on the Hill” serving generations and generations in the community. As the neighbourhood changed, the Deacon at the time felt the Church needed to start looking beyond its walls for a new mission and meaning of being a church in its changing community. He strongly believes that the location dictated that mission hence deciding to create a ministry for the whole city.

"St. John the Evangelist was an important incubator for Warming Room Community Ministries and now One City Peterborough. By starting out under their structure it allowed us to focus on the work of supporting the most vulnerable in our community and then develop a structure of our own.

ED One City Peterborough – Christian Harvey

Huron County: How Huron Shores United Church Opened its doors to Grand Bend

Grand Bend is a small resort community on the shores of Lake Huron, about an hour northwest of London. Its beautiful beaches have attracted tourists and cottagers for decades, and more recently retirees have discovered its charms. A red brick church building with a distinctive six-sided tower has been a part of the town’s main street for almost 100 years.

In the past three years, the church has reinvented itself as a much-needed community hub and concert hall, an integral and valued part of the community.

"As we reflect on our pathway, it's clear that change is always with us. It has become our friend and mentor"

Bob Illman, Chair of Trustees of Huron Shores United Church


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