Sign up for our Faith Building Energy Benchmarking Program … it’s free, and helps you manage your energy consumption and costs!
SO WHY BENCHMARK? In short, you can’t manage what you can’t measure! To date, over 20 faith communities have signed up to be part of our faith building energy benchmarking program. Our target in Toronto is 70 faith communities. Signing up only takes about an hour, and after 2-3 months, you will receive your 1st baseline report – see below for example. The baseline report will track the years 2015, 2016, and 2017 using 5 metrics: Energy Usage Intensity score, Electricity, Natural Gas, Green House Gas Emissions, and Total Energy Cost.
We will continue to give you reports for years 2018 -2020, so you can monitor your progress, and decide what energy savings actions you will take.