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Tools for Action

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Tools for Action

Opportunities for taking climate action abound. 

Despite the powerful invitation of Laudato Si’ and the presence of many faith-based ecological initiatives, many Canadian Catholics feel disconnected or isolated working in their parishes and communities on these issues. Many of us don't know where to turn for Canadian Catholic resources on how to protect a life-supporting climate.

MLSM Canada wishes to bridge these separations, engaging Canadians anew, helping them connect to each other and to act, by bringing alive the spiritual foundation to living integral ecology. 

The following resources provide a vital snapshot of the advocacy, direct action and education programs on climate that are taking place coast to coast.  

Of course, these resource lists are just a starter.  We welcome your suggestions on how to improve this collection of climate action tools.  Send your suggestions to [email protected]. We will update these resource lists quarterly.

Spiritual Resources

MLSM Canada seeks to promote ecological conversion at the individual, community and social levels in order to grow an eco-spirituality that heals our relationship with all of creation, including people who are marginalized by consumerism, racism, and poverty. Check out the resources below for more information on Laudato Si' and how to reconnect with our faith as we work toward the protection of all creation

The Laudato Si’ Movement has a terrific selection of eco-spiritual resources to deepen your spirituality. Start here to explore the spiritual resources on their website.

MLSM Canada, its partners, and advisory circle have assembled the following downloadable list of Canadian Catholic-based spiritual resources on climate, (Summer 2021)

Green Rule poster is derived from the classic Golden Rule found in major faith traditions, paraphrasing it by saying: "Do unto the Earth as you would have it do unto you."

Lifestyle and Parish Life Resources

MLSM Canada seeks to support lifestyle changes to reduce personal and parish-level carbon footprints and increase sustainable practices through education on more sustainable choices for transportation, investments, energy, food purchases, waste management and other aspects of daily life.  Change begins with yourself and will spread to others through the power of your actions.  Below are some Eco-Home and Eco-Parish resources to get you started on your green journey. 

The Laudato Si’ Movement has an assortment of lifestyle and parish life resources to guide your changes and home and in your parish.  Start here to explore the lifestyle resources in the Sustainability for LSAS section of the Animators Toolkit.

MLSM Canada, its partners, and advisory circle have assembled the following downloadable list of Canadian Catholic-based lifestyle and parish life resources on climate.  (September 2019)


Reconciliation Resources

Through relationship building strengthened by dialogue and common action among Indigenous people and settlers, MLSM Canada will work to understand and seek transformative action around the disproportionate impact that climate change and unsustainable resource extraction have on Indigenous communities across Turtle Island. 

As Pope Francis stated, “Indigenous communities and their cultural traditions … should be the principal dialogue partners.” (§146).  Below are some resources to help you to understand and seek transformative action on Indigenous environmental concerns.

MLSM Canada, its partners, and advisory circle have assembled the following list of Canadian Catholic-based Reconciliation resources on climate. (Summer 2021)


The photo on the left: Cynthia Myran protests against the Kinder Morgan pipeline expansion project April 14 Photo Jennifer Gauthier, Burnaby Now. The photo on the rightJournalist Ossie Michelin says this photo went viral within hours after he took it in 2013. (Ossie Michelin/APTN National News)

Public Policy Resources

Faith and reason must come together enabling us to make positive choices in our lifestyles, in how our economies are run, and in building true global solidarity necessary to avert this climate crisis. MLSM Canada encourages Canadian Catholics to raise our voices in the public sphere to call for bold climate policies, through organizing tools for grassroots actions, supporting advocacy efforts and amplifying the Laudato Si’ message in the media. Below are some public policy resources to help you to work collectively to protect a life-supporting climate. 

MLSM Canada, its partners, and advisory circle have assembled the following downloadable list of Canadian Catholic-based public policy resources on climate.  (September 2019)


The photo on the left: Demonstrating the use of Jesuit Forum dialogue guides at the Development and Peace SW Ontario fall retreat, 2018. The photo on the right: Ladies in Caledonia participate in the Citizens for Public Justice "Give it up for Lent" 2018 campaign.


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