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MLSM Canada Ontario Roundtables

FREE Registration for MLSM Canada Ontario Roundtables

Ontario Roundtables begin in January! Join this free online facilitated space to make connections, build community and find support with other MLSM Canada members living in Ontario. MLSM Canada members and Laudato Si’ Animators living in Ontario are invited to register for both Roundtables, but may also register for just one of them. When you register for a Roundtable you automatically become an MLSM Canada member if you are not already one. The first Roundtable is introductory while the second Roundtable focuses more on deepening ecological spirituality as well as sharing on challenges and strategies.

Ontario Roundtable #1:  Wed. Jan. 19th at 7:00 pm EST; 6:00 pm CST

Ontario Roundtable #2:  Wed. Mar. 30th at 7:00 pm EST; 6:00 pm CST



Information and Registration:  MLSM Canada Ontario Roundtables

Contact:  Roundtables coordinator Karen Van Loon  [email protected]

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