Catholics will journey together during Laudato Si’ Week May 22 - 29
Catholics around the world will listen and respond together to the cry of creation during Laudato Si’ Week, marking the 7th anniversary of Pope Francis’ encyclical on care for our common home. The 2022 theme is Listening and Journeying Together.
This week will bring Catholics together to celebrate the progress made in bringing Laudato Si’ to life and to increase efforts around the Laudato Si’ Action Platform. Pope Francis will open the week on Sunday May 22nd and then each day focuses on one of the seven Laudato Si goals:
- Response to the cry of the Earth
- Response to the cry of the poor
- Ecological economics
- Adoption of sustainable lifestyles
- Ecological education
- Ecological spirituality
- Community resilience and empowerment
Visit to find the official program of online events as well as community events; a prayer; and a Celebration Guide with possible eco-spirituality, lifestyle and advocacy ways to care for our common home. This global celebration is sponsored by the Vatican and facilitated by Laudato Si’ Movement in collaboration with Catholic partners.
The Laudato Si’ Action Platform launched in Canada
The Laudato Si’ Action Platform is a program and website in nine languages for Catholic institutions, communities and families as well as “all people of goodwill” to put into action the integral ecological vision of Laudato Si’. It is sponsored by the Vatican and developed in partnership with many Catholic people and institutions. The platform includes a self-assessment, planning guides to help build an action plan, as well as space to share reflections and actions.
Learn more about how the platform works by watching the video of the English launch of the Laudato Si’ Action Platform in Canada on February 12th. The Archdiocese of Regina sponsored the Canadian launch online event where Bishop Jon Hansen, Bishop of the Diocese of Mackenzie-Fort Smith (Yellowknife, NT) gave the opening remarks. Norman Lévesque, founder of the Green Churches Network and a working group member for the Laudato Si` Action Platform, then gave a very informative presentation on how the platform works. The Green Churches Network is the official partner of the Laudato Si’ Action Platform in Canada.
Protect biodiversity by supporting the Healthy Planet Healthy People petition
Protecting biodiversity is one of the themes for Laudato Si’ Week and May 22nd is also the International Day for Biological Diversity. Last year, over 120,000 Catholics and 420 organizations signed the Healthy Planet Healthy People petition facilitated by Laudato Si’ Movement and promoted by the Vatican. Those signatures were presented at the UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow. Laudato Si’ Movement relaunched the petition in 2022 with the aim of protecting biodiversity as the UN Biodiversity Conference (COP 15) in China will take place later this year.
The petition calls on political leaders participating at the UN Biodiversity Conference to:
- Tackle the climate emergency and biodiversity crisis together;
- Promise no more biodiversity collapse;
- Ensure equitable global action, including support for those most affected;
- Protect and respect human rights, including the rights of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities in climate and biodiversity action.
Supporters who have not yet signed this petition, are invited to sign and share it further. Canadians can sign the petition at a website which tracks the number of Canadian supporters
“Biodiversity restoration is also crucially important in the context of unprecedented loss of species and degradation of ecosystems…I urge the international community to work together to guarantee that the Summit on Biodiversity (COP 15) in Kunming, China becomes a turning point in restoring the earth to be a home of life in abundance.” -Pope Francis, September 1, 2020 |
Other Resources for Laudato Si’ Week and beyond:
Catholic Eco-Investment Accelerator Toolkit: This new climate justice tool helps faith-based institution invest in our planet with guidance on divestment from fossil fuels and towards sustainable investments. Developed by Mouvement Laudato Si’ Movement - Canada (MLSM Canada) and Faith & the Common Good, the Catholic Eco-Investment Accelerator Toolkit has three sections – See, Judge, Act – and includes climate and fossil fuel facts, a step-by-step guide to divestment, re-investment consideration, Indigenous investment as well as extensive resources.
If your faith community would like to take practical action, Save on Energy is currently offering incentives for energy-efficient upgrades for which faith communities can apply. This Small Business Program provides up to $2,000 for eligible lighting equipment and up to $2,500 for eligible non-lighting equipment (smart thermostats and refrigeration). Faith & the Common Good offers many practical educational tools & services to reduce the ecological footprint of faith communities including Greening Sacred Spaces (GSS) program resources, a DIY Walkthrough Audit and numerous gardening resources that help support local biodiversity.
Earlier this year, Canadian videographer Kevin Moynihan, produced a third film in his Laudato Si’ series with a Canadian perspective. This film explores the greening of eight faith communities (Christian, Jewish and Muslim) in Canada in response to climate change. The films can be viewed online and are a great resource for faith community events:
- Laudato Si' + 7 - The Greening of Faith Communities in Canada (2022)
- Laudato Si' +5: See, Judge, Act (2020)
- Laudato Si’ - A Canadian Response (2015)
In April, Laudato Si’ Movement launched its prayer book to support the journey of ecological conversion. The book can be downloaded for free and has eight sections: prayers from Laudato Si’; praying with creation; hearing creation’s song; hearing creation’s cry; hearing creation’s call; prayers for daily life; morning and evening prayers; and the Laudato Si’ Rosary.
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