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Great Lakes Water Walk

The Great Lakes Water Walk is an open invitation to all people to join an Indigenous-led Water Walk to honor Nibi (Water). Following Anishinaabe ceremonial protocols, Grandmothers and Elders will make water offerings, sing water songs and make petitions for our water to be clean and pure. The Walk will take place on Sunday, September 24, 2017 along the Toronto waterfront with a concluding ceremony at Marilyn Bell Park.

We will walk along the entire Toronto waterfront with starting points at the east (Bluffers Park, Don) and west (Credit, Humber) and finish at Marilyn Bell Park. Participants are encouraged to join the walk at key locations (TBD) along the route and are free to remain with the main walking group or exit the walk whenever or wherever they choose.

All are invited to join Great Lakes Water Walk and reflect on how we can honor and protect our waters. It is not a protest, performance, or athletic competition. Because it is a ceremonial walk, we kindly ask that women wear long skirts and men long pants to show respect for our Grandmothers and Mother Earth. The Water Walk is inclusive of all, so please come as you identify.

Bring healthy snacks and a refillable water bottle, sturdy walking shoes, rain gear, sun-block. Everyone is welcome. While we love our dogs, bikes or skateboards, we do not bring them to ceremony. Please leave these at home. Absolutely no drugs or alcohol.

September 24, 2017 at 7:00am - 3pm
Marilyn Bell Park
1095 Lake Shore Blvd W
Toronto, ON M6K 2R5
Google map and directions
Alix Taylor ·

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  • Lisa Seiler

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