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Global Catholic Climate Movement: Help Us Launch GCCM Canada


As Pope Francis teaches in Laudato Si’, unprecedented ecological devaluing, pollution, and waste is endangering the flourishing of future generations. Moreover, the cost is being born disproportionately by vulnerable communities around the world.  Catholics have been called upon by our last three popes and the Canadian bishops to respond to these social and ecological, moral and spiritual crises.  We need to care for our common home in order to heal our relationships with our human family, the rest of creation, and God. The Global Catholic Climate Movement Canada (GCCM Canada) will offer support for paths of dialogue and action to activate such multidimensional healing


GCCM Canada will work with the global GCCM movement to:

GCCM Canada will work with the global GCCM movement to:Bring Laudato Si’ to life by growing a community of Canadians willing to act courageously to care for our common home.

Build an online forum to foster connections and sharing between and among the GCCM movement, Canadian Catholic organizations, Indigenous and Allied land and water defenders, and Canadian Catholic laity who are called to be creation care leaders.

Encourage Canadian Catholics to raise our voices in the public sphere to call for bold climate policies, and amplify the Laudato Si’ message in the media.

Work to understand and seek transformative action on the disproportionate impact that climate change and unsustainable resource extraction have on Indigenous Communities

The GCCM is a coalition of 650+ Catholic member organizations, with over 75 trained Laudato Si’ Animators, dedicated to turning Pope Francis’ Encyclical Laudato Si’ into action for climate justice. GCCM Canada is hosted by Canadian, interfaith, environmental charity Faith & the Common Good. Activities will be coordinated by Agnes Richard and guided by an Advisory Circle, whose members include: 

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Email GCCM Canada Coordinator Agnes Richard to join our mailing list to stay informed.

Make a Donation

Online via Faith & the Common Good’s Canada Helps (Specify fund: GCCM Canada)

By cheque, made payable to Faith & the Common Good, @ Centre for Social Innovation,

192 Spadina Ave, Suite 300, Toronto, ON M5T 2C2 CANADA

Faith & the Common Good is a registered charity. All donations are eligible for a tax receipt.

(charity registration # 82827 6121 RR0001)

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