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Faithful Footprints

Across the country, United Churches are doing their part to address the climate crisis by getting their own house in order by working to reduce their own carbon emissions. Through a partnership with Faith & the Common Good, the United Church of Canada is offering grants and support for churches to measure their energy use and reduce their climate pollution, in ways that save money and strengthen congregational renewal.

UCC Carbon Baseline Report

The United Church is committing to reducing its carbon emissions by 80% by 2030, in line with the Paris Climate Targets. With an initial focus on buildings – the church’s largest source of emissions – the program Faithful Footprints will be working with 500 congregations by 2025 to reduce their energy use and energy costs.

In 2016 the United Church General Council commissioned Caring for Creation, Our Communities and Our Congregations: The Case for a National Carbon Reduction Program for Faith BuildingsFaithful Footprints is the beginning of implementing those learnings.

As people of faith, the United Church recognizes that to bring truly inspiring climate leadership to our communities, we must practice what we preach. Together we can renew our congregations, care for the planet, save money, and stop climate pollution.

Faithful Footprints is about supporting United Churches to live their climate commitments, for future generations, and for all of creation. To find out more and get your congregation involved, visit

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Coming Together to Combat Climate Change: The Unified Mission of Deer Park United and Calvin Presbyterian

Ecumenical ministries are collaborative initiatives that aim to foster greater unity and cooperation among different Christian denominations. Bringing together church communities, ecumenical ministries helps combine resources, knowledge, and efforts to address common challenges  — promoting a sense of solidarity and shared purpose among Christian believers. 

By uniting their efforts, these ecumenical partnerships hold the potential to be formidable allies in the ongoing battle against climate change — raising awareness, advocating for sustainable policies, and inspiring eco-friendly practices within their congregations.

Sustaining Our Heritage: How Historic Buildings Can Support The Energy Transition

In the year 2050, all human activities need to be carbon neutral – meaning that we capture as much carbon as we burn. To accomplish this, we will need to reduce our usage and dependency on energy generated by fossil fuel sources within the built environment. 

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