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GTHA Faith Community Energy Benchmarking Program

Faith & the Common Good recently launched an energy benchmarking program and Toronto Hydro and Enbridge Gas Distribution are assisting us in the City of Toronto. Hamilton, Halton, Peel, and York regions are also participating in this program.

Each participating faith building will be asked to fill in a brief summary of their building information (location, square footage, hours of use etc.) and will allow us to access their local hydro and natural gas data. Faith & the Common Good will access and input this data into ENERGY STAR® PortfolioManager® for you.

Portfolio Manager

Why Benchmark Faith Communities?

You can’t manage if you don’t measure. ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager® is a free online tool that measures and tracks electricity, natural gas consumption, and greenhouse gas emissions.

PortfolioManager® is used by the Canadian Government for national energy benchmarking of commercial and institutional buildings, including faith communities. PortfolioManager® is the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and is used by 40% of the U. S. commercial sector.  

What will ENERGY STAR® PortfolioManager® do for you?

It will tell you:

  • How much energy your building uses,
  • How much money you spend on energy, and
  • How your building’s performance stacks up to other buildings in your sector.

Here is important information to help you save energy and money with your local utility companies

While the information below is specific to Toronto Hydro and Enbridge Gas, similar programs apply across the province. Contact your local utility for more information.

Toronto Hydro Electrical Services

Toronto Hydro offers financial incentives to help their customers become more efficient. Assistance in supporting energy conservation and efficiency is core to their business customer offering.

The Conservation and Demand Management Team is dedicated to providing energy management support for their customers with key focus on streamlining incentive applications and offering technical support for the selection and undertaking of energy efficiency strategies.

The team is comprised of experts in technical sales as well as CDM energy consultants and administrative staff. Toronto Hydro works with all of their customers including building managers, consultants, and vendors to offer a wide range of innovative conservation and demand response programs.

Contact Toronto Hydro's Dean Anderson at (416) 542-3382 or via email, [email protected] to learn more.

Helpful links

Small Business (faith community) incentives:

Small Business Lighting:

Retrofit Program:

Audit Funding:

Enbridge Gas Distribution

Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc. has a more than 165-year history and is Canada's largest natural gas distribution company. Enbridge Gas Distribution delivers safe, reliable natural gas in more than 100 communities across Ontario and is a leader in promoting energy efficiency programs.

A big part of Enbridge's business is devoted to helping customers reduce the amount of natural gas they use to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help customers save money. They call that Demand Side Management or DSM for short. DSM includes all the activities which Enbridge undertakes to assist customers in lowering their energy consumption by providing energy saving advice, product information, and rebates/incentives programs to help reduce their energy costs. Since 1995, Enbridge's programs have collectively reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 11.1 billion* cubic metres of natural gas. That is enough natural gas savings to serve nearly 4.6 million homes for one year, or roughly equal to removing 4 million cars from the road for one year!

Contact your Enbridge Energy Solutions Consultant, Jeffrey Blunt, at 416-795-8346 or email [email protected] to learn more about their programs and incentives or visit enbridgesmartsavings.com/business

*2015/2016 results are pre-audit and subject to change

Contact us

Visit our Energy Benchmarking project page or contact one of our local animators:

Toronto: Donna Lang [email protected]
Halton and Peel: Laura Irvine [email protected]
Hamilton: Beatrice Ekoko [email protected]
York: Harry French [email protected]


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